Positioning Detail

Positioning process

Brand Immersion

Your expertise is the most effective strategy for new business development. Expertise, however, is not limited to existing projects. We identify your expertise with a discovery process that is often as illuminating for you as it is for us. 

Our layered process uncovers the unique value that drives your brand:

We reach out to clients, collaborators, and influencers who have a direct relationship with your firm for their perspective. With a set of vetted questions, we listen for similarities and anomalies, and inspiration.

We uncover a detailed understanding of your process from brief to execution and how each member contributes to the final product.

Before we write a set of principles or a mission statement, we analyze your guiding philosophy and how it has evolved.

Creative firms are the sum of their human parts. A Brand+ New Business strategy cannot be true if it is not authentic to the culture. We interview team members with the same interest we interview clients.

We identify your competition as a client or search consultant would to understand your brand in competitive context.

A written description of our research methodology and hypothesis
Raw data of the interview questions/answers
Detailed report of findings
Executive summary and analysis:
» Summary of interview questions
» A graphic depiction of commonalities and discrepancies
» Analysis and conclusions

Brand Articulation

Articulating your brand is a cultural exercise that benefits new business development, forming partnerships, and talent recruitment. Culture is about setting behavior and style. Culture relates to how your team treats clients and each other. It is about how you tackle problems and create value. The sum total of how people apply your guiding principles and act on this mindset is your firm’s culture. You will see that a strong culture leads to strong performance. 

Firm Description
A brand description will convey understanding and elicit desire in a concise statement. Our task is to understand the unique brand value well enough to describe it simply and powerfully.

Firm Principles 
Brand Principles represent the core beliefs of your firm. Each person in the firm communicates the brand with every interaction, so they must understand the underlying principles. Therefore, the Brand Principles must ring true to provide clarity for day-to-day work and inspire new business pitches.

Firm Mission
We break down the benefits of your firm into discrete elements that build to an unmistakable conclusion representing the brand. The Brand Mission is a comprehensive description of the firm that illustrates the brand’s value as a compelling story.

Firm Description
Firm Description Short Version
Firm Principles
Firm Mission Statement

RFP Modules

The packaging of the proposal is your product. It’s not just answering the question; it’s how you answer the questions. What is the tone of voice? How is it designed? If you are on a big pitch, there could be five proposals. How are you going to stand out when you are not in the room? These are things you have to consider. Everything matters. Every slide in any presentation and any page in any deck should bring the reader, the viewer, the buyer one step closer to signing it.

A succinctly written project “Approach” document is a powerful new business tool. We uncover a detailed understanding of your process from brief to execution and how each member contributes to the final product. 

Firm History
Clients are often looking for a young firm with solid experience from established firms. We research your working past and craft a story that demonstrates your credentials for larger projects.

Firm Overview
A firm overview is the part of your proposal that will be copied and pasted into an administrative review for decision-makers. We make sure this is not a generic description but instead, competitive positioning of your firm.

Project Management
Larger projects demand professional project management. As a small firm, you can display your capabilities as a leader or collaborator by describing your project management process and aligning it with your firm’s values.

Prospective clients will look closely at the team. Your team will invest more into a proposal when they see a well-done bio in the deck. We write a team manifesto that explains your hiring philosophy and individual team member bios.

Five Modules