Group Ideation and Facilitation
Strax Networks hired Brand+ New Business to help facilitate a creative council with the advertising community.
We secured ten high-level creative directors from agencies representing major brands to gage their reaction to Strax’s software and develop new ideas to use their software. The council met three times for an hour and a half each. We use Miro online whiteboard so participants could see their ideas in real time and go into the program afterwards and make notes r prepare for the next meeting. Meeting one was primarily setting up the challenge, Meeting two was conceptual ideations, and meeting three was refining the concepts from meeting two. After the meetings were complete, B+NB organized the ideas into categories, identified the technical challenges of each idea, and finally, a voting page for each participant to vote on their favorite ideas and make any final comments.
The result of the creative council was two fold.
1) Strax realigned their marketing messages to the advertising community to reflect the “ah-ha” moments from the council
2) Strax was invited by some of the participants to pitch ideas from the council to their clients.